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This Website offers an ideal pool of 50 prompts to help you brainstorm a topic you're interested in. Topics for essays are often controversial and sometimes hotly debated so look for one that excites your opinions.

Click on the "Topic-O-Rama" button below to jump through 50 ideas. Or else you can click the arrows to move through the ideas in order. When one of the ideas creates sparks:

  1. drag across it
  2. from the menubar, do an Edit - Copy or Right-Mouse Click > Copy
  3. click the mouse/cursor in the text field below called Your Idea List
  4. then do Edit - Paste from the menubar or Right-Mouse click.

Note: You can also use the text field to write down your own ideas as they come to you.

When you've looked at enough ideas and feel confident that you have a good topic for a persuasive essay, click the "I'll Take my Ideas Now, Please" button. You can then print that page out for the next stages of the writing process.

Your Idea List

- Copy/Paste or write down your ideas in this field.
(Note: Your Ideas List will be easier to read if you type in <P> between each idea.)

What Next?
You can just begin to work on writing your persuasive essay on your own, or you can try Thesis Builder to help you craft a solid thesis statement for your controversial issue essay.